So,i went to jerri's hse yesterday and she gave me some gifts...
a hannah montana lip gloss wif pins thingy and a little miss and mr men file...
and pics!!!me jerri
menerd and chelsea:)
December 29, 2009
So,i went to jerri's hse yesterday and she gave me some gifts... a hannah montana lip gloss wif pins thingy and a little miss and mr men file... and pics!!!me jerri menerd and chelsea:) | kinda missed me?i totally forgotten abt this blog thing....than jerri was like' i blogged!'and there i remembered so bac from korea and pics would be uploaded soon.anyway,it was snowing and freezing cold to the max.made some new fwens.. *jolin tan tampines north pri pri 4 nickname:lamo dude *amanda kuan raffles girl sch(RGS) sec 3 nickname:aero jiesh *wong shiying raffles girl sch(RGS) sec 1 nickname:shi jiesh but jolin friggin lamo la.. kinda made a blog wif shiying and amanda.. yea,they rock.bff 4 life. the blog is:UNDER CONSTRUCTION:) haha..wasnt that a joke? prob not.any way,amanda bro was damn cute lah..he is like er..6 yrs old name is emmanuel but so chubby la...shiying and i so mean lor..kept pinching his cheeks. than amanda was like wth..u shouldnt do that to such a damn cute bro..but than we insisted ..2 days ltr she was like,i wanna pinch funny la.btw,me,shiying and amanda loves DBSK!!!!!it rocks like hell....than we whet to the shop than got like this metal shinny surface table,we kinda like wrote DBSK YOU ROCK TO DUH MAXXXXXXXXXXX CHELSEA,AMANDA AND SHIYING DEC 09 than amanda mother was like aiyo,might as well rite down ur phone no. than maybe DBSK come than can call us. so we were like yea,put urs lor. hahaha..had so much fun i damn miss them lah but at least added them to fb. hehe.. ltr i will post the blog web..see ya. |