I'll be heading to Taiwan for a short trip tomorrow.(:
Probably not my desired destination but oh well.
I'd try get gifts for everyone I promise.
Currently packing, its pretty tough work. Hahahaha.(:
SUP. I'll be heading to Taiwan for a short trip tomorrow.(: Probably not my desired destination but oh well. I'd try get gifts for everyone I promise. Currently packing, its pretty tough work. Hahahaha.(: xx |
OMGzxc. Check it out,Check it out. you do know i've been failing my maths this whole year right? Yeah,so isn't it a miracle i passed? I actually passed,and it was a great time to pass. during my PSLE=] yeah.ikr???haha. Thank you God.ILY:) so my aggregate was 214. thats pretty low my for me,it isn't. SA1 i've gotten 180 xD Prelims i've gotten 190-.- tho I tot i'll increase by only 10 marks, i've actually got 214. GREAT.bahahaha xD SO guess where imma going? Yeah,thats right, SOTA. School of the Arts,Singapore. and its at Zubir Said Drive. Right beside Plaza Singapura:) It's a school right in the middle of town. COOL MUCH? not boasting,just saying. blahx. typing ~blahx~ is so addicting. xoxo,chelsea |
Hey Guys:) you do know i have twitter right? and its kinda not in use anymore. cuz basically,i had forgotten my password for it. so its dead--------- and it was previously @itschelseacheng now its @Chelsea_Cheng do remember to follow me on twitter. create a twitter if you don't have one too. its pretty awesome:) xoxo,Chelsea |