Lol ppl!
Here's a new thing i am going to do!
I shall create sometning called ~poems of the week~
And today's poem is called
Definition of a Bitch!
Do not comment on whether or not you like it.If you like it,say cheeze!!!But if u HATE it,you suck!
So here it goes:
If you think i am a bitch
Stop wasting your time
Cous a bitch is a female doggy
And doggies bark
And bark are part of trees
But neverthless,trees are a part of nature
And nature is beautiful
So totally OMG!Thx for the great compliment!I Lurve Ya!
Thx for reading!The next one shall be a Cheazle's original!!!watch out.if you wana copy,ask me for the permissoin or else i shall coming a chop of your hat..I am mean alright!
September 23, 2009