Alright, so besides all those Jana shit that happened,
I must admit today was a really good day.(:
The second half only that is.:/
Had Macs for lunch with Natasha, Victoria and Farid!:D
Farid ate a double Mc Spicy. It was really huge!:O and he managed to finish up the whole entire burger! hehe
And than went to 77th Street and Vic and Farid got new laces. :>
Natasha and I were practically looking around for Mustache Rings. :{D
And we headed to Cathay for a while a I brought them to the secret place!:D
hehe, re-did Farid's laces there and took some pictures.
Got bored after like 20 mins and went back to school, supposedly to study but we all ended up taking photos on my Mac and our phones.^^
Victoria and I. We're so cute.^^ haha, nah.
Natasha and I.(: Yes, I love this photo too.<3
Natasha and Victoria. This photo is really nice.:D